ISMS Policies

Mobile Device Usage Policy

1. Objective

To ensure that laptop/mobile devices assets receive an appropriate level of protection and are handled in a safe and secure manner with respect to the functional integrity.

2. Scope

This is applicable to all employees, contractors, and third party services and to all areas, activities, operations and elements related to Information Security Management System at Integra.

3. Reference

Standards: ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System

Controls: A 8.1

4. Definition

To define a structured framework on usage of laptop, mobile, and other movable assets usage, protection, and handling at Integra.

5. General Principles

5.1 Laptop/Tablets/Mobile Policy

In line with the market practice, laptop/mobile devices entrusted to its employees shall be the employees' responsibility to ensure that it is properly handled and kept in a safe manner and to prevent loss, damage and theft.

5.1.1 Business Use Only

Because of license requirements, laptop/mobile devices shall be used for business and work-related activities only.

5.1.2 Software

Only IT Support department shall install the provided laptop/mobile devices with supported software, and open-source applications can be installed with permission from the CISO.

5.1.3 Acceptable use

The use of laptop/mobile devices, including off-premises use, is strictly regulated by Integra’s Acceptable Asset Usage Policy.

5.1.4 Equipment Return

Laptop/mobile devices must be returned to IT Support Department if requested or if employment ends. No laptop/mobile devices will be upgraded or replaced unless the original equipment is returned in proper working order.

5.2 Policy Regarding Loss, Theft or Damage

Users are expected to take precautions to ensure that laptop/mobile devices are not stolen, lost, or damaged. If laptop/mobile devices are lost, stolen, or otherwise damaged such that they cannot be restored to normal working order, the employee may be responsible for the prorated cost of the laptop/mobile devices. In case of theft or loss, the user must file a report with the IT Support Department.

5.3 Virus, Hacking, Security Protection

To ensure that virus protection and other security patches are current, laptops must be connected to the Integra network overnight at least once every two weeks. In the case of a significant security alert, users may be contacted by e-mail and/or voicemail, to bring in their laptops to the helpdesk to ensure proper security is enabled on the laptop.

5.4 Support

IT Support Department shall support laptop/mobile devices equivalent to that provided for desktop computers. Direct support will only be provided while laptop/mobile devices are on-site.