ISMS Policies

Clear Desk Policy

1. Objective

To establish a culture of information security at Integra. An effective clear desk effort involving the participation and support of all Integra employees can greatly protect paper documents and devices that contain sensitive information about our customers, vendors and ourselves. All employees should familiarize themselves with the guidelines of this policy.

2. Scope

This applies to all staff, employees, and contract employees at Integra.

3. Reference

Standards: ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System

Controls: A 7.7

4. Definition

An effective clear desk effort involving the participation and support of all Integra employees can greatly protect paper documents and devices that contain sensitive information about our customers, vendors and ourselves. All employees should familiarize themselves with the guidelines of this policy.

5. General principles

5.1 Clean Desk Policy Statements

The main reasons for clear desk policy are:

  • Ensure that customer and company information is treated with the highest degree of security and confidentiality
  • Reduce the possibility of loss
  • Reduce the time spent searching for misplaced items
  • A clean desk can produce a positive image when customers visit

Each employee must follow the steps listed below:

  • Maintain a neat working environment
  • Refrain from cluttering the work area with post-it or other notes displaying sensitive information such as project details, customer information, passwords, etc.
  • At known extended periods away from your desk, such as a lunch break or a meeting, sensitivem working papers are to be placed in the drawers and locked
  • At the end of the working day the employee is expected to tidy their desk and to put all office papers, documents, notes, laptop, etc., in the drawers and lock them
  • Periodically identify documents with sensitive customer or internal information that are no longer needed, and hand over to Admin department for shredding.