ISMS Policies

Clear Screen Policy

1. Objective

To ensure that no data files are stored on the desktop of the laptops, computers, servers.

2. Scope

This applies to all users of desktops, laptops, servers, other computer peripherals.

3. Reference

Standards: ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System

Controls: A 7.7

4. Definition

An effective clear screen effort involving the participation and support of all Integra employees can greatly protect documents and devices that contain sensitive information about our customers, vendors and ourselves. All employees should familiarize themselves with the guidelines of this policy.

5. General principles

5.1 Clear Desk and Clear Screen Policy Statements

  • All users are required to routinely check and clean the hard disk from any unauthorized software, program files, or data.
  • The IT support team will routinely audit the contents on the user’s hard disk for possible violation of this policy.
  • Any unauthorized data or program found on the computer will be considered non-businessrelated and may be deleted by the IT support team.

5.2 Desktop Display and Screen savers

  • Users shall not install screen saver or desktop display screen other than those authorized by the IT Support team.
  • IT Support team will conduct routinely check to verify the compliance of this policy and report violations to the IT Infra Manager/CISO.

5.3 Settings Detail

  • Number of seconds to wait to enable the screensaver - Seconds: 300.
  • Password protect the screen saver – Enabled.
  • Prevent changing desktop background – Disabled.