HR Policies

Leave & Attendance Policy


  1. Timely and regular attendance is an expectation of performance for all Integra staff. To ensure adequate staffing, positive staff morale, and to meet expected productivity standards throughout the organization, staff will be held accountable for adhering to their work schedule. In the event, the staff is unable to meet this expectation, he/she must obtain approval from their supervisor in advance of any requested schedule changes. 
  2. The policy outlines the, applicability, rules and procedures with regard to consumption and approval of leave, attendance and work timings.


Integra extends the facility of leave of absence to the staff to attend their personal exigencies and during times of emergency besides meeting statutory requirements.


Applies to all staff


1. Work Timings:

1.1. Integra is a 24 X 7 organization where staff work in multiple shifts as mentioned below:

  • General Shift :8hrs Production time
  • UK Shift :8hrs Production time
  • US Shift  :8hrs Production time
  • Flexible shift hours :8hrs Production time

1.2. Shifts may vary according to the team & staff are requested to stick to their team timing to ensure smooth functioning of the team.

1.3. The company expects every staff to be regular and punctual in attendance. This means being in the office, ready to work, at their starting time each day. Absenteeism and tardiness places a burden on other staff and the company. 

1.4. If you are unable to report at work for any reason, notify your reporting authority before regular starting time. You are responsible to speak directly with your reporting authority about your absence. It is not acceptable to leave a message on the reception center, except in extreme emergencies.

2. Leaves:

2.1. The Leave policy is applicable for all staff who have completed their specified probationary period.

2.2. One day of Casual Leave will be credited to the staff account every month.

2.3. Staff may avail leave with the prior approval from the authorized authority  and empowered by the management to act on their behalf.

2.4. If Casual Leave is not availed,staff can carry forward it upto 6 months. Maximum 3 days CL can be used in a month.

2.5. CL cycle will be from Jan - June, July - December.Unutilied CL's will be encashed in July / Jan month salary.

2.6. SL is eligible for staff who have completed one year, totally there will be 6 days SL in an year.

2.7. Unutilized SL's cannot be carry forwarded / encashed.

2.8. On completion of 4 year SL can be carry forwarded and maximum limit is 6 days.

2.9. If any staff takes long leave due to physical illness, he/she is expected to submit the medical certificate with supporting documents. Medical Certificate alone will not be considered as a valid document.

2.10. The salary will be put on hold for the staffs, who take long leave during the first week / last week of that month.

2.11. Staff who fails to call in and report to work as scheduled for three consecutive scheduled work days will be viewed as having abandoned their position and HR will take necessary action for absconding. 

2.12. Staffs are requested to avail leaves with proper approval. In case if any Leave is not approved then two days of Loss of Pay will be marked in staff attendance.


3. Attendance:

4.1. Staff are requested to mention their IN time & OUT time in the attendance sheet kept at reception.

4.2. Staff is deemed absent when he/she is unavailable for work as assigned/scheduled and such time off was not scheduled/approved by the authorized authority.

4.3. Handdy Software

4.3.1. Staff are required to follow established guidelines for recording their actual hours worked. A missed clock in/out is a violation of this policy and includes:

  • Failure to clock in/out on their designated time clock (i.e. Handdy Software) at the beginning and/or end of their assigned shift;
  • Failure to clock in/out on their designated time clock for the Coffee/ Tea/ Meal break;
  • Failure to accurately and timely report the time worked;
  • Clocking in/out early (or late) of assigned shift without prior approval.

4. Staff Responsibility:

5.1.1. Staff are requested to raise their Leave request through Handdy Software.

5.1.2. Staff going for a break outside the company, are requested to get the sign in the Break Slip available at the Security desk to avoid troublesome situations.

5.1.3. Ensure that you avail Leave / Permission with proper approval. In case of emergency, inform your reporting authority & get your leave / permission approved on the very next day after coming to office. 

5. Summary

 Casual Leave

After completing the specified probationary period

Sick Leave

After one year

Uninformed Leave > 3 days

Moved to abscond list

Unapproved Leave

2 Days of Loss Of Pay

Long Leave during the First week or Last week of the month

Salary will be on Hold & Will get released only after 10 of the month

CL carry forward period

Jan - June, July - Dec ( CL can be taken 3 days maximum in a month)

Unutilized CL's

Encashed in July / January

Attendance Calculation

Manual Attendance Sheet + Handdy Software

Leave Request

Using Handdy 

SL Eligibility

After One Year


Handdy / Handdy & Manual Break Slip while going out